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tv   FOX 25 News at 11  FOX  December 15, 2015 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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colln ritzer a's parents but we start with bob ward live in salem. have you been in court every step of the way. >> yeah, that's right. you know, this jury not only convicted phillip chism of first-degree murder but also rejected his insanity defense that claimed he was mentally ill when he attacked colleen ritzer in that bathroom at a danvers high school. when the verdict was read allowed in court it was a very emotional moment. >> reporter: after weeks of testimony and a day and a half of deliberation, finally news at phillip chism jury have made a decision. colleen ritzer's mother wept as the final decision got underway and the jury spoke. >> guilty, deliberate premeditation and extreme atrocity with cruelty. >> reporter: the now 16-year-old phillip chism convicted of first-degree murder of colleen ritzer, his danvers high school math teacher. powerful video evidence showed
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murder following her into a bathroom where she was attacked and later removing her body from barrel. the jury rejected chism's insanity defense as it also convicted chism of aggravated rape in the bathroom and armed robbery of colleen's underwear. the jury acquitted chism of one aggravated rape count. apparently the jury could not determine if ritzer was still alive in the woods behind the school where colleen's body was violated with a tree branch. >> this belongs to colleen ritzer and her family, we can't bring her back but provide some sense of justice for her family. >> reporter: afterwards as the district attorney thanked the jury, colleen's grief-stricken father reminding that even though chism is convicted of first-degree murder in adult court, he may one day seek parole. >> we are pleased with the judicial process that will continue. appeals will certainly be filed and given the state's guidelines
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sentencing we may be forced to once again publically endure this pain suffering the parole hearings. >> he was 14 years old of murder that took place. >> cannot be sentenced to life no parole even though he was convicted in adult court on first-degree murder. phillip chism will be parole eligible in 15, 25 years meaning the ritzer family will have to attend those parole hearings somewhere down the line. >> and bob, as you know, one of the things this jury was not allowed to hear was testimony on the allegations that phillip chism has attacked a female d.u.i. s worker at the dorchester facility, where he was being held before this trial. chism will actually be back in suffolk county juvenile court tomorrow to face attempted murder charges in that case. colleen ritzer's parents
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the trial. at 5:00, fox 25 was live when they reacted to the verdict and now ted daniel is back live outside of danvers high with what the ritzer family says they will never give up. ted. >> after the trial, i don't think anyone would blame them if they had a few words with phillip chism but instead they spoke of their daughter's legacy, kindness. >> one of colleen's favorite quotes is there is something good in every day. >> reporter: colleen ritzer's mom peggy, dad tom, younger brother dabble and sister laura, they all 68 inned pink, colleen's favorite color and grace, one of colleen's greatest attributes. >> this guilty verdict while the beginning of justice is certainly no cause for celebration as there can never be true justice for the crime committed. >> reporter: the ritzer family attended every single day of the trial where graphic details and
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on colleen brought spectators to tears. they never lost faith in the process where nobody wins. >> ow family enter as new phase in you our lives, one that we have no choice but to begin, however we do so knowing the remarkable difference colleen made in her short life and continues to make in the lives of so many. >> reporter: the ritzers are from andover where colleen grew up. she graduated in worcester and immediately began teaching her favorite subject, math. it was colleen's second year at danvers high school. as the family continues to fight for justice, they will also continue to keep colleen's memory alive. a scholarship fund has been created in her name, and her spirit thrives in every act of kindness. >> despite the immense loss we are forced to endure, we will carry on and do our very best to find the good in every day. >> there is a lot of support for
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danvers high school and in a statement to fox 25 tonight school administrators say they hope the healing will continue adding that being good is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. reporting live in danvers, ted daniel, fox 25 news. >> and the phillip chism verdict hit very close to home in andover. colleen ritzer was from andover and many who didn't even know her felt like they did after hearing so much about her in the last two years. when today's guilty verdict came down, many are watching pretty closely and tell us tonight they feel some justice has been served. >> i'm so happy because i really didn't buy into the defense, the insanity defense. i didn't know her at all but wonderful. she sounds like a wonderful, wholesome person who really cared about everybody, whether she really knew them or not.
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our community facebook page. our coverage continues online. you can log on to watch the verdict as it was read and see ritzer's parents and find out how to donate, if you'd like, to the colleen ritzer's memorial another unseasonably warm day out there. chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz is here now with when the cold temps will return. >> you're asking for them, i'll see what i can do about that. 61 in boston and still 50 degrees at this late hour. can you believe this? the average for the date is 41. a full 21 degrees above that but the record, 66 in 1975. all this warmth, we couldn't even get a record. clouds off the water right now in areas that have previously cleared out. through the morning, you'll have the clouds to start the day that's coming up in some spots and there will be other places that are totally clear. it'll be that kind of morning. by lunchtime everybody is into some sunshine. an improving situation. and in northwest of worcester, southern vermont and new hampshire dropping into the 30s overnight, back to 40 for lunchtime.
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in worcester county, same idea. going down into the 30s under clearing skies tonight. into boston, staying in the 40s all night long with the clouds being off the water. sunshine through lunchtime and temperatures quite a bit cooler in the 40s. but the really cool temperatures vanessa was asking for, those will come on our weekend. the timeline coming up. the republican debate was the last time this year. and as mary maloney shows us there were some heated mopes tonight. >> the last g.o.p. debate of the year started with silence. >> please join me for a moment of silence and remembrance of the san bernardino victims. thank you. >> reporter: but the quiet didn't last. >> i'm angry at what's happening to our nation. >> protecting the homeland, defense. these are all the things that we need to focus on but we'll never get there if we're divided. we are the most powerful nation
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to act like it again. >> americas has been betrayed. america is at war. >> they set their sights on donald trump hoping the frontrunner falls out of favor. >> donald, you know, is great at the one-liners but he's a chaos candidate. and he'd be a chaos president. >> i'm the most solid person up here. >> you're not gonna be able to insult your way to the presidency. >> reporter: i'm mary maloney reporting. a scary scene in malden when five people including a baby are pinned under a temporary wall that came crashing down. this surveillance video from a nearby shop shows that wall coming down on pleasant street yesterday. the owner of the shop and its employees ran out to help after they saw what happened. fortunately no one was seriously hurt and police believe the baby's stroller actually prevented serious injury. the schools in los angeles will re-open in the morning after a threat closed the entire district of more than 1,000 schools today.
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was not credible tonight. new york city schools received a similar warning but determined that one was a hoax earlier and held school as usual today. the superintendent in l.a. saying tonight after the recent attack in san bernardino he was not taking any changes. >> i think the circumstances in a neighboring san bernardino, i think what has happened in the nation and what happened internationally, i as superintendent, am not going to take the chance with the life of a student. >> los angeles has the second largest school district in the kin. boston schools actually had a brief internet outage from the cyber attack today but the mayor, police commissioner and school superintendent quickly addressed the public to led them know it was not linked to the threats in new york and l.a. >> we have received no credible threats, however, we'll continue to closely monitor the situation as we do every unusual
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>> we want to reassure anyone that if we had any type of hint of any of our children being in any type of danger their parents and the public would be the first one to know. >> boston police described the internet hacking as a minor act of cyber vandalism that's nearly impossible to trace. the mbta operator who was supposed to be on board a runaway red line train has been suspended without pay as the mbta decides whether or not he'll be fired. david vasquez is on leave for not following safety procedures. it all stems from last thursday's incident when a red line train barreled through four stops without a conductor. vasquez's lawyer says his client never tampered with the train's controls. >> my client has denied categorically wrapping any cord or rope around a brake. >> the union representing vasquez tess fox 25 will do its own investigation into what happened. a mother and teenaged son
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attacking a neighbor as he looked at a christmas tree. jim tells fox 25 he was admiring the veterans tree on sunday when his upstairs neighbors suddenly attacked him and the teens came at him with a pair of scissors. he says they had an ongoing dispute over issues including cleaning up after a dog. bruster police have made an arrest in the armed robbery of a convenience store. fox 25 showed you these surveillance photos here yesterday from the bruster farms market. police say they showed 27-year-old michael schlessinger robbing a store with a gun. officers caught up with him today and arrested him. he is due in court tomorrow. clouds moving onshore off of the ocean. that will stop your temperatures from falling anymore tonight. but a cooler day is coming and colder weather on the way. i'll show you when. a teenager hit and killed by a car, a man turns himself in hours after the crash.
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why no one has been catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees. after 12:00 p.m., enjoy any medium latte or macchiato for $1.99.
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[ dog barks ] [ bark ] there it is! [ gasps ] oh no! look, the sky's awake! that. was. epic!
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dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. america runs on dunkin'. new tonight fox 25's kristine mccarthy spoke with a victim's brother who can't believe his brother is gone. my 19-year-old brother-- everyone thought we looked alike. >> reporter: this week will mark
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brother frankie was hit and killed. frankie was struck on mechanic street before 10:00 p.m. while walking to work at this shell gas station near his parents leominster home. frankie's was discovered eight hours later. >> a monster, an animal, whatever you want to call him, not a moral human being. >> reporter: police say a man turned himself in 14 hours after the accident and said he might have hit frankie. since then, there's been no arrest, no charges, the worcester district attorney's office tells fox 25 they're still investigating but there's no new information to release. meanwhile, police are seeking tips about a car parked near the scene that night. >> please come forward. we're asking you, we know people were on that road. >> reporter: frankie's family is overwhelmed by the community's support. hundreds attended a vigil honoring the teen. but nothing will fill their
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>> it's sickening that there's a monster that can go home, eat with his family and celebrate christmas while we're here and my brother, their son was taken from us. >> leominster police say this driver did not immediately stop or check on frankie. but police believe that driver may have stopped nearby at the veterans memorial park just a few feet away and that's why they're asking anyone who might have seen that car, a small black 4-door car, during the time of 9:35 to 10:00 p.m. on november 17th, to go ahead and call leominster police. in leominster tonight, kristine mca cart thee, fox 25 news. a manchester man is accused of slamming into a tree and running from the scene. 46-year-old paul camm allegedly hit the tree and later found allegedly hiding in a field. investigators believe he was speeding. his passenger suffered a broken arm and leg and camm's dog was
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a dorchester man accused of threatening people with a dangerous weapon. all new at 11:00, this two-prong choice. yesterday police were called to the boston transitional clubhouse where the 35-year-old was allegedly threatening to stab workers at that facility. police used pepper spray to get hurt. he's now facing several charges. boston police are urging people to be vigilant about holiday package deliveries. after the arrest of three men in south boston. police got the arrest yesterday. a lit while later police found the guys that matched the description and they said they had bags of items with them. some shipping information from where the packages were stolen. >> aaa expecting a record travel this holiday season. for the first time ever they expect 1.5 million people to travel 50 miles or more from home. nearly 1 in 3 americans.
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are expected to hit the roadways, up 2.2% from last year. rising incomes and falling gas prices have led to the increase in travel. >> clouds start to break up in eastern massachusetts and another batch rolling onshore down the coast from maine and into southern new england tonight. clouds moving across the area during the first part of the morning drive, 5:45:00 a.m. things are looking okay. hour by hour in southern vermont down to new hampshire and back to 41 with sunshine by lunchtime. temperatures right now, if insist boston. worcester. this is warm for this time of year. per hour.
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earlier today, even some to 40, but that's not the case anymore. the winds have died out. 37 on average overnight and invariably cloudy. generally a mild night for december, anyway. during the day tomorrow, a lot of surf. 48 degrees on average. there aren't likely to be many towns that hit 50. a few could, and the actual high temperature over boston maybe realized at midnight with the 50 degrees might not get any warmer than that when the sun's up tomorrow. in southern new hampshire. west to worcester county, to be in the 40s here too. worcester to boylston and southborough at 42 degrees and 40s are everywhere tomorrow rather than the 50s near 60 degrees or over 60 degrees we saw in boston today for high temperatures. tomorrow you saw the clouds
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thursday the clouds take over again showers becoming more numerous after lunchtime on thursday. most of us stay dry through lunch on thursday. we start to see heavier rain move in and steadier rain right through the commute. taking us to 8:30 and most of it heavy rain into southern new hampshire and southern maine and offshore here to our south. it doesn't end there, though, i'll show you the seven-day forecast. there's a risk for showers on friday. still the clouds that are in there is just up in the air right now as to whether or not we get any of the showers to come on in. look at the big change coming up on saturday into sunday. your weekend is always in view and this time pay close attention because it's dropping fast. 36 degrees with wind and the potential for snow flurries on saturday. wouldn't that be fun. haven't seen many of those, at least not in december. i want to go back to thursday for a moment because we talked about how there will be rain coming in during the day on thursday but thursday into friday is when it gets a little trickier. that same front sits offshore
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evening and more rain along the front and clips southern new england. something we'll be tracking closely for a second punch of rain before that cold on friday. >> a test for the first half of the celtics. all the highlights from td gardens next. plus the greatest bench in college basketball, possibly of all of times. get ready to meet the this is the best block of all. it's like candy cane lane. i know. oh, holiday ferris wheel. i kind of love it.
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quiet back there. i was just thinking... maybe it's time we finish this test drive and head back to the dealership? that is so jeffrey... soooo jeffrey... so jeffrey... oh. elves.. it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. nthe volkswagen sign nthen drive event. p zero due at signing, p p zero down, zero deposit, p p and zero first months payment p p on a new passat
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1 point game in the second. kevin love misses. boston led by 4 at the half. canny from way outside gets that. lebron finished with 24. and kevin love had 20 tonight. cleveland takes it 89-77. patriots, too another major hit in the injury department today. sources confirmed that derik blunt is done for the year. seen in the locker room today on crutches.
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like this about a hip injury. hopefully blunt bounces back. he leads the patriots in rushing with 703 yards and monte ball will help pick up on the slack. dominique knocked out of sunday's game with a knee injury. e and the bad luck continues. takes about four weeks to heal and mcchordy has been a steady force in the defensive backfield for the pats. you have not seen the bench during a monument basketball game you are missing out but that is why i'm here for you. these guys are a riot. specially choreographed celebrations. something a little different clearly needs some practice and these guys nail it. watch what they do after the
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this is serious choreography. an upset over georgetown. this is trend setting but they will always be the original all right, flurries, saturday, we're excite. >> i know you are. there can be a few stronger snowshowers. not expecting accumulating snow but a turn toward december weather at least for a day on saturday and then we warm right back up again. we'll be pushing 60 degrees heading up to christmas eve next week. you can believe that. if you're sick of it, i don't have any good news for you. there's not any real big cold snaps coming our way. i want to get the skis going, as well. tomorrow will be a cool day with
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first thing in the announcer: a horrific terror attack in paris. then, a brutal act of terror here at home. it's time for a tested and proven leader who won't try to contain isis. jeb bush has a plan... to destroy them. and keep america safe. jeb bush: the united states should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. announcer: tested and proven leadership matters. jeb bush. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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